Camp Phoenix provides a fun, safe, residential camping experience for children ages eight to seventeen with a primary diagnosis of epilepsy. The week long camp is conducted at Wisconsin Lions Camp in Rosholt, Wisconsin. The camp experience is designed to encourage independence and self-esteem, and to provide children with and increased understanding of seizures and epilepsy. During the week, campers participate in a variety of activities, build new and lasting relationships, and meet others who may have seizure disorders. Children are encouraged to fully participate in all the camp activities. Counselors are present to facilitate small group activities or one on one discussion. There is a medical staff on site and all staff is fully training in seizure recognition and first aid.
Please call our offices for more information and the cost.
2020 Camp Phoenix applications will be available online January 7th, 2020. Please click to icon to begin the application process.
important 2020 camp Dates
May 9th, 2020 is the Wisconsin Lions Camp Open House for new campers
* Not mandatory
Camp dates are August 2nd, 2020 through August 7th, 2020