Education and Awareness

Seizures can be unpredictable and seldom happen in convenient locations. A person who experiences a seizure in a park, at school, on an airplane, or any number of places may need to rely on the people around them to recognize what’s happening and help keep them safe until the seizure passes.

The Epilepsy Foundation of Wisconsin offers a variety of trainings to teach you how to respond if you are with someone who has a seizure. Since one in 10 people will have a seizure during their lifetime, it’s important that 10 in 10 people know how to help.

Seizure Training for School Personnel

Training for School Personnel is designed for people who work with children and youth in school settings. This program provides an overview of seizures and epilepsy, seizure first aid, seizure action plans, rescue therapies, seizure emergencies and how to support students in school settings. This course is appropriate for school nurses, teachers, aides, coaches, administrators and anyone who works in a school setting. This course takes approximately 60 minutes and can be held virtual or in-person.”

What is a Seizure Action Plan and why is it important?

Seizure Action Plans are made under the guidance of your health care team. They are a way to help you organize your seizure information and have it available when and where you need it. A prepared plan can help you and others know what to do to prevent an emergency and to tell others what to do in emergency situations. You can also adapt these plans to different situations in your life.

Your success in managing epilepsy will depend on being prepared to tackle whatever comes your way – from understanding your epilepsy and maintaining seizure control to responding to seizures and managing your safety.

By helping you and others be prepared, seizures or the fear of seizures won’t prevent you from participating and enjoying your life to the fullest.

How do I make a seizure action plan?

Seizure Recognition and First Aid Certification

The Seizure Recognition and First Aid certification training provides information to increase the knowledge, skills and confidence in recognizing seizures and safely administering seizure first aid. The first aid procedures in the course reflect the standard of knowledge and current best practices. Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a two-year certification. The course lasts approximately 75-90 minutes, and can be held virtual or in-person to school districts, school nurses, businesses, group homes, daycares, families, etc.

Seizure First Aid Ready

The Seizure First Aid Ready course educates the public on the Epilepsy Foundation’s basic procedures for responding to someone having a seizure. This course is a condensed version of the 2-year certification training and takes approximately 45-minutes. This training can be done virtual or in-person.

Law Enforcement Training

The Epilepsy Foundation recently enhanced its Law Enforcement-Informed Training for Recognizing and Responding to Seizures (with support from Eisai) to help public safety professionals better understand epilepsy and increase their knowledge about seizures. The goal is to protect the health and safety of those living with epilepsy, especially when they may not be able to respond to a law enforcement officer’s request. The course was designed for, and with, law enforcement, public safety, and correctional officers, as well as law enforcement agency staff members. This training takes approximately 60-75 and can be done in-person or On-Demand

Educational Webinars

Bringing education and awareness to our communities is at the forefront of our mission.  Our Virtual Meetup Program is a quarterly program aimed at just that.  We facilitate discussions with industry professionals, medical professionals and individuals to give everyone tools that could assist them in their journey.  Our topics are vast, so we encourage you to let us know if there is a topic that interests you. 

  • Being a Patient Advocate for Yourself

    June 24, 2025 @ 7:00pm central time

    Join us if you’re interested in . . .

    * learning how to get the most out of your appointment

    * what questions to ask your doctor and health care team

    *learning how to communicate with your doctor when you don’t see eye to eye

    *More information coming soon. Stay tuned! Registration scheduled to open last week of May

  • Back to School

    August 5, 2025 @ 7:00pm central time

    Join us if you’re interested in . . .

    *learning how to talk to college officials about your epilepsy

    *learning how to talk to your peers about your epilepsy

    *learning where to find disability resources at the school

    * preparing your college student for their first time away from home

    *More information coming soon. Stay tuned! Registration scheduled to open first week of July

  • Unaffordable Medication

    October 7, 2025 @ 7:00pm central time

    Join us if you’re interested in . . .

    *learning about financial assistance programs from the Pharmaceutical Corp’s

    *financial assistance programs from companies that provide either free or significantly reduced costs for common epilepsy med’s

    *What questions do you have?  Please submit your questions by September 30, 2025.  Send them to:

    *More information coming soon. Stay tuned! Registration scheduled to open first week of September

General Education Offerings Questions