For Educators

Teachers, school staff and personnel play an important role in the lives of children and students with epilepsy. From creating a safe environment for students with epilepsy to knowing how to respond when a seizure occurs, and finding themselves on the front lines fighting the stigma that often surrounds seizures.

Teachers and educators are sometimes the first adults to notice the symptoms of their students with undiagnosed epilepsy. Teachers who are familiar with focal awareness seizures, for example, may be the first to notice a student’s wandering attention or repetitive movements in class as a seizure and not just day dreaming. Basic familiarity with seizure facts is a great way to be an ally to students and parents.

Let’s educate together.

Interested in learning more, have questions for us, or want us to come teach Seizure First Aid in your school? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!