Our Programs

Individuals with epilepsy often face challenges in their day-to-day lives. We are here provide the resources they need to feel safe and supported. We offer a variety of programs that focus on support, education, awareness, and unique opportunities to connect with others who are facing the same challenges. 

Adult Retreat

  • Many people who grow up with uncontrolled seizures wind up missing out on opportunities that many kids are able to enjoy and can reflect on with wonderful memories later on in life.  One of these experiences is attending a summer camp.  Because of understandable safety concerns, children with epilepsy often grow up unable to attend summer camp because of some of the riskier physical activities that take place.  By the time they reach their adult years, their childhood memories are void of summer camp stories that many of their adult friends have.


    In late summer/early fall, the Epilepsy Foundation of Wisconsin offers a solution for this.  We provide a three-day/two-night adult retreat that brings summer camp adventures to life.  It affords clients the opportunity to not only participate in common summer camp activities, such as rock climbing and hiking, campfires, boating, arts and crafts, and wagon rides (just to name a few), but also the chance to create new memories that they can share with others.

    Throughout the weekend, there are both physical and relaxed activities taking place at the same time, offering choices for both preferences.

  • For more information email info@epilepsywisconsin.org or call toll free (608) 665-1848.

    Applications will open up in late July 2025

Ambassador Program

  • The Ambassador Program is made up of passionate individuals who represent and serve the Epilepsy Foundation of Wisconsin (EFW) through various roles. This includes everything from volunteering at events and fundraisers, to leading a Connect Group online, or simply being willing to share a personal story on the EFW website. The EFW is grateful to have Ambassadors in the communities we serve. The Ambassador Program is open to anyone touched by epilepsy (16 and under with parents' consent.) Each Ambassador is asked to be part of the program for one year, and hopefully, longer, and will work with EFW staff on how to best fulfill their role.

  • Click here to submit your application. Questions? Reach out to info@epilepsywisconsin.org.

Sara Marie White Memorial Scholarship

  • The Sara Marie White Memorial Scholarship is a $3,000 reward that will provide financial support for a Wisconsin student with epilepsy in pursuit of a higher education.  It is in honor of the late Sara Marie White (1977 – 2024), a long-time advocate, friend and volunteer of the Epilepsy Foundation of Wisconsin.

    Sara Marie White was a consistent and uncompromising advocate of education and encouraging others.  Her epilepsy was never anything she allowed to hold her back in her quest to constantly invest in ways to serve, advocating for accessibility and inclusion.  It’s why she took her ambition to create the scholarship we once named the “Seize Your Education” Scholarship and, in her honor, now call the Sara Marie White Memorial Scholarship.  This scholarship seeks to continue her legacy by supporting Wisconsin students who have demonstrated a passion for advocacy, service, and support for people with epilepsy.

    In addition to the time she dedicated to the Epilepsy Foundation of Wisconsin, Sara was a beloved volunteer at The Beacon, a daytime homeless shelter and resource center, in Madison.  Her compassionate nature, vibrant personality, and love for helping others left a lasting impact on everyone she met.

    This $3,000 scholarship serves as a  tribute to a life lived with a purpose, joy, and a passion for removing barriers.  By investing in the education of fellow Wisconsinites, we honor Sara’s remarkable legacy and her belief that everyone, regardless of ability, deserves access to the resources and opportunities to help them succeed.


    ·       Must be a legal Wisconsin Resident

    ·       Must have a primary diagnosis of epilepsy (seizures may be controlled or uncontrolled)

    ·       Must be a current Wisconsin High School Senior who has been admitted to a four-year college or university or a two-year community college or technical / vocational school

    ·       If not a current Wisconsin High School Senior, the applicant must have graduated from a Wisconsin High School and still be a legal resident of Wisconsin


    ·       One general information document (submitted online through the selected application)

    ·       One written response to the essay question (entered within the application form)

    ·       A copy of an acceptance letter from the school the applicant will be attending in the fall (this letter can be provided at a later date if not yet available)

    ·       Two letters of recommendation.  Applicants may choose two from the following four categories: 

    o   A member of the applicant’s health care team (including a physician, physician’s assistant, nurse, or certified health care professional directly involved in the applicant’s treatment

    o   A school official (includes a guidance counselor, current or former teacher, school administrator, school club advisor, or sports coach)

    o   A community member (includes a person who knows the well.  Examples include, but are not limited to, a church pastor, a current or former school club advisor or sports coach, etc.  Family members and friends are not permitted).

    o   A work or volunteer work reference (a co-worker or supervisor who you’ve worked with within the past three years).


    In one clearly written response, please explain why you should be the chosen recipient for this scholarship.  Your answer should include at least two of the following three elements:  (1) a description of advocacy work you’ve done (how you’ve raised awareness about epilepsy within your community or how you’ve helped improve the life of someone with epilepsy in a significant way), (2) a description of academic and/or extracurricular activity accomplishments, and (3) a description of at least one example of a difficulty or barrier you’ve encountered because of your epilepsy and how you overcame or worked through this difficulty. 


    The application deadline is Friday, May 30, 2025.  Applications received after May 30, 2025 will not be considered.  Applicants will know their standing no later than June 30, 2025.

  • Please click here to submit your application.

    Please email your letters of recommendation and your school acceptance letter to info@epilepsywisconsin.org